All but the innermost of the F/A-18's stations can accommodate the 468-lb CBU-59B Rockeye II (with its 700 anti-tank bomblets) or the 610-lb BL-755 CBUs. The CBU-87B/B CEM (Combined Effects Munition), one form of the Mk 7 cluster bomb dispenser, releases 202 bomblets over an area of 800 x 400 ft, whereas the 500-lb Mk 20 Rockeye delivers 247 Mk 118 dart-shaped bomblets over an area of 3,300 square yards. The same dispenser allows the CBU-78 GATOR to spread 45 anti-tank and 15 anti-personnel mines. The F/A-18 has also successfully tested the initial AGM-154A variant. This weapon dispenses 145 Aerojet/Olin BLU-97 CEM bomblets over area targets, such as revetted aircraft and air defense radars.